Thursday, April 12, 2012

If you're pro-science but you suck up to religious stupidity, then you're a fucking idiot, equal to terrorists and other creationists.

I have extreme contempt for evolution deniers, but my contempt for wimpy atheists who suck up to Christians and other religious scum is even greater.

Please read this asshole's comment (at Creationism discussions are now OK in Tennessee schools):

woof woof at 3:09 AM April 12, 2012

Science, by definition, excludes consideration of any "miraculous" explanation of anything. Science studies nature, not the supernatural.

Religion explores and explains the relationship between man and the supernatural. It has relatively little to say about the how the natural world actually works. For example, the Bible contains many accounts of Jesus healing the sick, but there is no account of Jesus teaching his disciples the germ theory of disease. That's not what Jesus was here to teach. We're supposed to come up with that stuff, ourselves.

Science and religion explore different spheres with very little overlap. Both sides should stick to what they know and stop attacking each other.

Some people are using "science" as a club to beat up on the religious beliefs of other people. They misconstrue their beliefs, sometimes deliberately, then proceed to mock them without any effort to understand these complex philosophies on their own terms. Would it make any sense at all to mock Buddhism based on its cosmology? These attacks on religious people just harden them in their (sometimes preposterous) positions.

It is perfectly possible to be both a devout Christian and an excellent biological scientist. A perfect example is Francis Collins, Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health.

What a fucking asshole. This is my reply:

"Science, by definition, excludes consideration of any 'miraculous' explanation of anything. Science studies nature, not the supernatural."

No shit, Sherlock.

"Religion explores and explains the relationship between man and the supernatural."

You fucking idiot, religion explains nothing. It's just bullshit and nothing but bullshit. A relationship with supernatural magic? What the fuck is that you retard?

"It (religion) has relatively little to say about the how the natural world actually works."

No shit, Sherlock.

"For example, the Bible contains many accounts of Jesus healing the sick, but there is no account of Jesus teaching his disciples the germ theory of disease."

Accounts? You call bullshit "accounts"?

Jeebus didn't know anything about science, yet he pretended to be the son of the magical all-knowing master of the entire fucking universe. Therefore the dead Jeebus was an uneducated moron, and his followers are fucking idiots, but you, however, are even worse.

"Science and religion explore different spheres with very little overlap."

Little overlap? You fucking liar. Religious assholes are constantly making scientific claims which are always anti-science, and they are constantly invoking fantasies (for example the resurrection of the stinking decomposing Jeebus corpse into a zombie) which are extremely anti-science (not to mention fucking ridiculous and impossible).

"Both sides should stick to what they know and stop attacking each other."

This sentence is what really makes me mad. You worthless piece of shit. You're equal to the bible thumpers and terrorist scum you suck up to. You're part of the problem asshole and the world would be better off if wimpy morons like yourself dropped dead.

Remember the 9/11 religious atrocity, asshole? Remember the daily suicide bombings since then that continue today? Then of course there's the never ending Christian war against science education and there's religious brainwashing, also known as destroying the minds of innocent children, but you don't think we should attack this out of control insanity.

"These attacks on religious people just harden them in their (sometimes preposterous) positions."

Who gives a shit you fucking retard?

Should we just say "Don't worry about it Mr. Terrorist, if you want to murder people for the fun of it, you go right ahead and do that, we have no right to criticize your terrorist organization, also known as Islam."

Should we just say to Christians "You go ahead and brainwash children, go ahead and threaten biology teachers, we have no right to criticize your death cult."

"It is perfectly possible to be both a devout Christian and an excellent biological scientist."


"A perfect example is Francis Collins, Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health."

Francis Collins is a perfect example of an insane stupid asshole who disgraces his profession. Real scientists laugh at this fucking idiot.

You call yourself "woof woof ". The name is appropriate for you because you're as stupid as a dog.

In closing, fuck off and die you wimpy atheist scum.

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